Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bust A What?

So the yard sale was a total bust. I don't even exaggerate. We put in possibly a week or more work (if you take away the lapses between days of packing things up, cleaning and pricing and put them all together) into this and the total outcome of costumers in those two days was 3. Yes, I shall repeat it with a small wince: 3. And the one person I knew, and he only came up to get my old Harry Potter stuff, so he doesn't honestly count.

I try not to be too upset about it, although my mom was pretty bummed because she spent money for the merchandiser to advertise it to 40,000 people, and you're telling me only two people could venture out to our house? But hey, you win some, you lose some I guess. My friend and I may be having another yard sale at her house, where she lives off a main road and will get more stop-and-look costumers, so hopefully we can be successful there. I'm not really going to make it pretty like we did at my house. The things we packed up are staying in their open boxes and people can move it all around to find what they want. Hey, I already busted my ass doing one yard sale, I'm already wary about the next one we're planning so I don't wanna go all out for another possible bust.

But in other news, my summer day's are slowly filling up. I've got orientation tomorrow, a possible job interview (fingers crossed- hope I get it), 4th of July with friends and family, a trail ride with my good friend where I'll be riding my first real horse ever, and already I have a couple people I'm planning days to hang with. I mean I love my quiet days, but I've had a week worth of them and I'm ready for running around, baby! I want days where I gotta get up early to be places, where I can't sleep in till 12, where I see my friends and laugh and laugh and laugh. Where summer fills me to the bone and reminds me why all of this matters so much. Why I'm planning a road that's the hardest I've ever walked.

Maybe this summer wasn't exactly as spectacular as I planned, but that doesn't make it anymore great than it is for me. I've never been one for plans anyway, I'm a spontaneous kind of gal, and that works for me. A list, a plan, a schedule is alright, but give me a random call and place to be, and I'll be there like lightening.

Oh, summer. How I love thee.


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